Tag Archives: caesar

Caesar Salad with Thousand Island Dressing

19 Apr

It’s probably the simplest preparation ever, you don’t need to know how to cook, just knowing how to the hard-boil an egg will do. LOL. First get the ingredients ready, wash, rinsed, chopped or diced. You can cut them into, whichever shapes or sizes you prefer. *Again* It’s so simple!

Lettuce (or any salad vegetables of your preference)
2 hard-boiled eggs (peel and cut)
1 medium-sized tomato, chopped
1 clove garlic, diced
Some Crouton – Use any available bread, get it toasted and cut into small pieces

Mix all the ingredients into a salad bowl.  Then, use any of your preferred dressing: For mine, I had used the Thousand Island.